Project Overview

Spending time in Austin and getting a lay of the land brought about curiousity on city data and statistics. Coupled with a desire to channel creativity and my love for working with data - this project came about.

I found a public database that held several years of police reports filed with Austin Police Department. in an effort to challenge myself with working with this data – I developed a web applciation from scratch TO decimate the data in a way I saw fit, impactful and also fun!


This detailed and extensive project involved many steps in the data life cycle from start to finish.These can be summarized by the major Phases below:

click to enlarge image

Future Updates

Projects are pieces of work that can be continuously revisited and developed. Some future updates to further develop my project may involve:

  • Expanding on geographical data use
  • Expanding the interactive map to share more data
  • Drawing more insights from the interactive heat map
  • Further breaking out yearly time series data side by side for interactive comparison

Project Use Cases, Concepts & Tools

Project Review

The fully interactive Web Application can be viewed here: