text block
text block
text block
import json
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import re
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
import psycopg2
from config import db_password
import time
# Add the clean movie function that takes in the argument, "movie".
def clean_movie(movie):
movie = dict(movie) #create a non-destructive copy
alt_titles = {}
# combine alternate titles into one list
for key in ['Also known as','Arabic','Cantonese','Chinese','French',
'Mandarin','McCune-Reischauer','Original title','Polish',
'Revised Romanization','Romanized','Russian',
if key in movie:
alt_titles[key] = movie[key]
if len(alt_titles) > 0:
movie['alt_titles'] = alt_titles
# merge column names
def change_column_name(old_name, new_name):
if old_name in movie:
movie[new_name] = movie.pop(old_name)
change_column_name('Adaptation by', 'Writer(s)')
change_column_name('Country of origin', 'Country')
change_column_name('Directed by', 'Director')
change_column_name('Distributed by', 'Distributor')
change_column_name('Edited by', 'Editor(s)')
change_column_name('Length', 'Running time')
change_column_name('Original release', 'Release date')
change_column_name('Music by', 'Composer(s)')
change_column_name('Produced by', 'Producer(s)')
change_column_name('Producer', 'Producer(s)')
change_column_name('Productioncompanies ', 'Production company(s)')
change_column_name('Productioncompany ', 'Production company(s)')
change_column_name('Released', 'Release Date')
change_column_name('Release Date', 'Release date')
change_column_name('Screen story by', 'Writer(s)')
change_column_name('Screenplay by', 'Writer(s)')
change_column_name('Story by', 'Writer(s)')
change_column_name('Theme music composer', 'Composer(s)')
change_column_name('Written by', 'Writer(s)')
return movie
# 1 Add the function that takes in three arguments;
# Wikipedia data, Kaggle metadata, and MovieLens rating data (from Kaggle)
def extract_transform_load(wiki_data, kaggle_data, ratings_data):
# Read in the kaggle metadata and MovieLens ratings CSV files as Pandas DataFrames.
kaggle_metadata = pd.read_csv(kaggle_data)
ratings = pd.read_csv(ratings_data, low_memory=False)
# Open and read the Wikipedia data JSON file.
with open(wiki_data, mode='r') as file:
wiki_movies_raw = json.load(file)
# Write a list comprehension to filter out TV shows.
wiki_movies = [movie for movie in wiki_movies_raw
if ('Director' in movie or 'Directed by' in movie)
and 'imdb_link' in movie
and 'No. of episodes' not in movie]
# Write a list comprehension to iterate through the cleaned wiki movies list
# and call the clean_movie function on each movie.
wiki_movies = [clean_movie(movie) for movie in wiki_movies]
# Read in the cleaned movies list from Step 4 as a DataFrame.
wiki_movies_df = pd.DataFrame(wiki_movies)
# Write a try-except block to catch errors while extracting the IMDb ID using a regular expression string and
# dropping any imdb_id duplicates. If there is an error, capture and print the exception.
wiki_movies_df['imdb_id'] = wiki_movies_df['imdb_link'].str.extract(r'(tt\d{7})')
wiki_movies_df.drop_duplicates(subset='imdb_id', inplace=True)
except Exception:
# Write a list comprehension to keep the columns that don't have null values from the wiki_movies_df DataFrame.
wiki_columns_to_keep = [column for column in wiki_movies_df.columns if wiki_movies_df[column].isnull().sum() < len(wiki_movies_df) * 0.9]
wiki_movies_df = wiki_movies_df[wiki_columns_to_keep]
# Create a variable that will hold the non-null values from the “Box office” column.
box_office = wiki_movies_df['Box office']
# Convert the box office data created in Step 8 to string values using the lambda and join functions.
box_office = box_office.apply(lambda x: ' '.join(x) if type(x) == list else x)
# Write a regular expression to match the six elements of "form_one" of the box office data.
form_one = r'\$\s*\d+\.?\d*\s*[mb]illi?on'
# Write a regular expression to match the three elements of "form_two" of the box office data.
form_two = r'\$\s*\d{1,3}(?:[,\.]\d{3})+(?!\s[mb]illion)'
# Add the parse_dollars function.
def parse_dollars(s):
# if s is not a string, return NaN
if type(s) != str:
return np.nan
# if input is of the form $###.# million
if re.match(r'\$\s*\d+\.?\d*\s*milli?on', s, flags=re.IGNORECASE):
# remove dollar sign and " million"
s = re.sub('\$|\s|[a-zA-Z]','', s)
# convert to float and multiply by a million
value = float(s) * 10**6
# return value
return value
# if input is of the form $###.# billion
elif re.match(r'\$\s*\d+\.?\d*\s*billi?on', s, flags=re.IGNORECASE):
# remove dollar sign and " billion"
s = re.sub('\$|\s|[a-zA-Z]','', s)
# convert to float and multiply by a billion
value = float(s) * 10**9
# return value
return value
# if input is of the form $###,###,###
elif re.match(r'\$\s*\d{1,3}(?:[,\.]\d{3})+(?!\s[mb]illion)', s, flags=re.IGNORECASE):
# remove dollar sign and commas
s = re.sub('\$|,','', s)
# convert to float
value = float(s)
# return value
return value
# otherwise, return NaN
return np.nan
# Clean the box office column in the wiki_movies_df DataFrame.
wiki_movies_df['box_office'] = box_office.str.extract(f'({form_one}|{form_two})', flags=re.IGNORECASE)[0].apply(parse_dollars)
wiki_movies_df.drop('Box office',axis=1, inplace=True)
# Clean the budget column in the wiki_movies_df DataFrame.
budget = wiki_movies_df['Budget'].dropna()
budget = budget.map(lambda x: ' '.join(x) if type(x) == list else x)
budget = budget.str.replace(r'\$.*[-—–](?![a-z])', '$', regex=True)
budget = budget.str.replace(r'\[\d+\]\s*', '')
wiki_movies_df['budget'] = budget.str.extract(f'({form_one}|{form_two})', flags=re.IGNORECASE)[0].apply(parse_dollars)
# Clean the release date column in the wiki_movies_df DataFrame.
release_date = wiki_movies_df['Release date'].dropna().apply(lambda x: ' '.join(x) if type(x) == list else x)
date_form_one = r'(?:January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December)\s[123]\d,\s\d{4}'
date_form_two = r'\d{4}.[01]\d.[123]\d'
date_form_three = r'(?:January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December)\s\d{4}'
date_form_four = r'\d{4}'
release_date.str.extract(f'({date_form_one}|{date_form_two}|{date_form_three}|{date_form_four})', flags=re.IGNORECASE)
wiki_movies_df['release_date'] = pd.to_datetime(release_date.str.extract(f'({date_form_one}|{date_form_two}|{date_form_three}|{date_form_four})')[0], infer_datetime_format=True)
# Clean the running time column in the wiki_movies_df DataFrame.
running_time = wiki_movies_df['Running time'].dropna().apply(lambda x: ' '.join(x) if type(x) == list else x)
running_time_extract = running_time.str.extract(r'(\d+)\s*ho?u?r?s?\s*(\d*)|(\d+)\s*m')
running_time_extract = running_time_extract.apply(lambda col: pd.to_numeric(col, errors='coerce')).fillna(0)
wiki_movies_df['running_time'] = running_time_extract.apply(lambda row: row[0]*60 + row[1] if row[2] == 0 else row[2], axis=1)
wiki_movies_df.drop('Running time', axis=1, inplace=True)
# 2. Clean the Kaggle metadata.
kaggle_metadata = kaggle_metadata[kaggle_metadata['adult'] == 'False'].drop('adult',axis='columns')
kaggle_metadata['video'] = kaggle_metadata['video'] == 'True'
kaggle_metadata['budget'] = kaggle_metadata['budget'].astype(int)
kaggle_metadata['id'] = pd.to_numeric(kaggle_metadata['id'], errors='raise')
kaggle_metadata['popularity'] = pd.to_numeric(kaggle_metadata['popularity'], errors='raise')
kaggle_metadata['release_date'] = pd.to_datetime(kaggle_metadata['release_date'])
# 3. Merged the two DataFrames into the movies DataFrame.
movies_df = pd.merge(wiki_movies_df, kaggle_metadata, on='imdb_id', suffixes=['_wiki','_kaggle'])
# 4. Drop unnecessary columns from the merged DataFrame.
movies_df.drop(columns=['title_wiki','release_date_wiki','Language','Production company(s)'], inplace=True)
# 5. Add in the function to fill in the missing Kaggle data.
def fill_missing_kaggle_data(df, kaggle_column, wiki_column):
df[kaggle_column] = df.apply(
lambda row: row[wiki_column] if row[kaggle_column] == 0 else row[kaggle_column], axis=1)
df.drop(columns=wiki_column, inplace=True)
# 6. Call the function in Step 5 with the DataFrame and columns as the arguments.
fill_missing_kaggle_data(movies_df, 'runtime', 'running_time')
fill_missing_kaggle_data(movies_df, 'budget_kaggle', 'budget_wiki')
fill_missing_kaggle_data(movies_df, 'revenue', 'box_office')
# 7. Filter the movies DataFrame for specific columns.
movies_df = movies_df.loc[:, ['imdb_id','id','title_kaggle','original_title','tagline','belongs_to_collection','url','imdb_link',
'Producer(s)','Director','Starring','Cinematography','Editor(s)','Writer(s)','Composer(s)','Based on'
# 8. Rename the columns in the movies DataFrame.
'Based on':'based_on'
}, axis='columns', inplace=True)
# 9. Transform and merge the ratings DataFrame.
rating_counts = ratings.groupby(['movieId','rating'], as_index=False).count() \
.rename({'userId':'count'}, axis=1) \
.pivot(index='movieId',columns='rating', values='count')
rating_counts.columns = ['rating_' + str(col) for col in rating_counts.columns]
movies_with_ratings_df = pd.merge(movies_df, rating_counts, left_on='kaggle_id', right_index=True, how='left')
movies_with_ratings_df[rating_counts.columns] = movies_with_ratings_df[rating_counts.columns].fillna(0)
# return wiki_movies_df, movies_with_ratings_df, movies_df
# create movie database
db_string = f"postgres://postgres:{db_password}@localhost:5432/movie_data"
engine = create_engine(db_string)
# load movie data into database
movies_df.to_sql(name='movies', con=engine, if_exists='replace')
# load ratings data into database
# import raw ratings data
rows_imported = 0
# get the start_time from time.time()
start_time = time.time()
for data in pd.read_csv(f'{file_dir}ratings.csv', chunksize=1000000):
print(f'importing rows {rows_imported} to {rows_imported + len(data)}...', end='')
data.to_sql(name='ratings', con=engine, if_exists='append')
rows_imported += len(data)
# add elapsed time to final print out
print(f'Done. {time.time() - start_time} total seconds elapsed')
# 10. Create the path to your file directory and variables for the three files.
file_dir = '../Resource/'
# The Wikipedia data
wiki_file = f'{file_dir}/wikipedia-movies.json'
# The Kaggle metadata
kaggle_file = f'{file_dir}/movies_metadata.csv'
# The MovieLens rating data.
ratings_file = f'{file_dir}/ratings.csv'
# refactor code and run.
extract_transform_load(wiki_file, kaggle_file, ratings_file)